Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Thank you, Torontonians!

Becca and I had an awesome time during our tiny trip to Toronto. In particular:

-Thank you Emily, Ana, and Sarah for letting us stay at your place. It's lovely, and we got to sleep on things that were actually soft--we love you, and not just for that.

-Sunita, the ballet was awesome, and we must do it again.

-Julia, we're very happy that you dragged your diseased body downtown to come see us. That really means a lot.

-Alicia, thank you for letting us mess up your place. And now that you've started sliding down the slope of YOU-KNOW-WHAT, Becca and I will be there to grease your route down.

-Happy birthday to Joe.

-Hello and thanks for good times to Alex, Jordan, and Andrew.

-Ben...I'll see you in two weeks, so there's not much to say.

-And Jae, as usual, I'm sorry I'm so horrible to you. I'm sure some nice strong man is more than willing to comfort you.

...I did it again. Dammit.


Blogger The Vampire, David said...

I just sent out a pair of "Holiday/Spontaneous Friendship" cards. 1 for you and 1 for Becca. There's a little surprise for each of you and hopefully you two can enjoy them. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing just beacuse I'm that kinda guy.

Anyhow, I talked to my contact with Connecti-con and well... she burnt out fast already and is backing away from organizing the panels she says. However, in all liklihood Brianna will be the contact person and as far as I know so far their website is up, but not necessarily updated. The convention will be held at the Hartford Convention Center last I heard as of this past Tuesday and will run some weekend in July. I will wait a little while and let them fix their website before contacting Brianna with any interest I might have in doing a creative writing or publishing panel.
I have my doubts, but if you and I did some workshops together, it might be cool and worth it. It will give us an excuse to look cool and at the least catch up on each other's projects.

12:05 PM  

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